Jom Follow ^_~

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

berdosanya aku :(


Dalam Mengenang Kisah Hidup Silam
Ku Sedar Dari Kesilapan Lalu
Tuhan Beratnya Dosa Dosaku
Masihkah Ada Ampunan Buatku

Tuhan Dalam Menempuh Hidup Ini
Banyaknya Dugaan Datang Menguji
Tuhan Ada Yang Dapatku Gagahi
Dan Ada Yang Gagalku Hindari

Tuhan Dosaku Menggunung Tinggi
Tapi Taubatku Takku Tepati
Tuhan RahmatMu Melangit Luas
Terlalu Sedikitku Bersyukur

Kiniku Kembali PadaMu
Mengharap Maghfirah DariMu
Mogakan Terampunlah Dosa Dosaku
Biarpun Ujian Melanda
Ku Tetap Berkasih PadaMu
Kernaku Yakin KasihMu
Kekal Tiada Sudahnya

without you

Can't live, if living is without you. . . 


 I haven't slept at all in days
It's been so long since we've talked
And I have been here many times
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong

What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there

There's only so much I can take
And I just got to let it go
And who knows I might feel better
If I don't try and I don't hope

What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there

No more waiting, No more aching
No more fighting, No more trying

Maybe there's nothing more to say
And in a funny way I'm calm
Because the power is not mine
I'm just gonna let it fly

What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there

Love me.. 

 ....What Can i Do...?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

my love

I love you, MY love ^_^

An empty street
An empty house
A hole inside my heart
I’m all alone
The rooms are getting smaller
I wonder how
I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had
The songs we sang together
Oh yeah
And all my love
We’re holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far

So I say it in a breath
Hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue
To see you once again my love
All the seas go coast to coast
Find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again my love

I tried to read
I go to work
I’m laughing with my friends
But I can’t stop
To keep myself from thinking

Oh no
I wonder how
I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had
The songs we sang together
Oh yeah
And all my love
We’re holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far

So I say it in a breath
Hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue
To see you once again my love
All the seas go coast to coast
Find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again

To hold you in my arms
To promise you my love
To tell you from my heart
You’re all I’m thinking of
Reaching for the love that seems so far

So …So I say it in a breath
Hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue
To see you once again my love
All the seas go coast to coast
Find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again my love
See you in a prayer
Dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue
To see you once again my love
All the seas go coast to coast
Find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again my love 

Monday, April 11, 2011

yeahhh!! I'm the XXXXL girl !!

What's up guys??
I'm just came back from town, looking for attire that I'm going to wear tomorrow.Heyy! Guess what?I managed to get a job as a cashier at Carrefour. $$$$ kaaaachinggg!! $$$$

Hmm...Talking about the attire, I have my own story about it.Looks like it's VERY HARD to be an EXTRA SIZED person when it comes at the time to buy our clothes.Along these times, my attire is only the baju kurung and my EXTRA sized jeans.But just now, I HAVE to buy new clothes for me to wear tomorrow. It's NOT pretty hard to find them, but its VERY hard to find a pair of trousers and a long sleeve shirt that suits my size.WELL, I'm the XXXXL.No wonder its VERY hard for me.
FINE.I'm FAT.Just shut the hell off and I'm DONE.

Urgghhhh!!! How to get my DREAM bodyshape? If you say DIET is the solution, I'll give you the SWEETEST smile I ever give to each and any single person in this Earth. I've tried it a few times and IT's NOT WORKED!!! I'm very upset and feel SO humiliated with myself.I feel like I'm going to HATE myself just because of my BODYSHAPE and also just because of my BODYWEIGHT. DR MATE5?? Hell no. I've tried it and its worked BUT once I stopped, the weight INCREASE INSTANTLY and guess what??HEAVIER than EVER!

Praise to GOD for giving me a boyfriend that ACCEPT me and LOVE me just the way I am.Thank you, sayang for loving me.And as you know, I LOVE YOU MORE than YOU LOVE ME, teddy ^_^
Although I keep complaining to him about my bodyshape and bodyweight, he kept ADVISING me and always told me to WATCH my daily diet and routines.He is the BEST motivator I ever had about motivating me in EVERY aspects.Thank you once again, sayang!


The light of love shines
The sea of love
Like a diamond
That floats
On the surface

I keep tracking on the beach of lonesome
Collecting the stranded love
That you described one by one
With your love
And now
It becomes the necklace of love charm

Although it was not damp by the rain
But the trace was refreshing
Although the moon was not in the lap
But the light was enough
To illuminate the shadows

O, love in the soul
Spread the aroma of love
As sweet as the the heaven musk
May the happiness become ours
That lasts forever

I keep tracking the beach of lonesome
To witness the sadness pass
The restless wave pounds my heart
Brings the grief away
Brings it away from the shadow

If the sunshine
Is hidden behind the cloud that anchored
Slide the curtains of your love
So that it can give its light
For both of us

copyrighted : nur qaseh jijah aiz

Sunday, April 10, 2011

ku mahu kau tahu

Di sudut termenung jauh
Mengenangkan nasib kita
Kita miliki separuh
Berbentuk hati cinta namanya

Walau kau jauh
Ku sentiasa menunggumu
Inginku imbas kembali memori

Walau kau jauh
Ku berjanji kan terus tunggu
Dipisah lautan biru

Ku mahu kau tahu
Aku kan terus menunggu

Jaga benar gambarku dalam telefon bimbitmu
Jangan pernah sekali kau buang
Seperti cinta ini yang terbuku
Akan bersemi jua

Terus menunggu
Kita kan bersatu
Terus menunggu
Ku mahu kau tahu

terima kasih, AWAK.

Thank you.
For giving me hope
By coaxing me
With your words
With your smile
With your behaviour

Thank you
For being the only expectation
For giving me the opportunity
Although for a moment
To stare you
To look deeply into your eyes
To touch you
To kiss you

Thank you
For all those memories
That we've shared together

Thank you
For always be there
For me

Thank you
For the sweetest kiss
I ever had

Thank you
For the warmest hug
I ever had

Thank you
For the 'IMY'
That I never expect

Thank you
For squeezing me
With patience

Thank you
For all those lies
That you lied
On me

Thank you
For the cutest mushroom
I ever see

Thank you
You ever be
To me

If only I knew
Its going to hurt
I won't tell you
i HEART you

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Alamak, BOYFRIEND aku nieeeee. . =,=''

Susah betul.

Susah betul bila boyfriend tak pandai



OK, dia ada SPM.

tapi tak lah seCemerlang aku

FINE, aku TAK de la cemerlang sangat.

Haha ^O^

Tapi yang SWEET sangat-sangat is

TIME aku membebel marah kat dia


Dia akan bukak kamus.


Cari maksud patah-patah perkataan yang aku sebut.

Comel, kan?

STILL remember one night.

Kami berbual sampai pagi.

Then aku TERspeaking dengan dia.

Tiba-tiba dia cakap,

''Sorry sayang.Gelap la.Tak jumpa cari kamus.''


So, malam tu aku pun jadi lah guru ENGLISH kejap.



Sayang awak. <3


Janji hati suara cinta sakti

Cinta agung dari jiwa ternyala

Janji tanah lahir aku cintai

Aku rela

Sama membela

Pengorbanan jangan diluka

Khianat janji hilang jasa

Ku mencari


Aku sanjung pencinta bangsa

Usah rajuk jauh HATI rindu

Nafas lain haluan seketika

Aku RAYU wira hati SAYANGKU

Ini bukan

Mainan CINTA

Janji-janji JIWA

Bila janji terlukis INDAH

Usah lagi kau BURU cinta

Aku serahkan

HATI asmaraku


HATI bersatu

oh, HATI. . .

CENDAWAN.i loiikeeee

cendawan itu sangat comel.


tak tipu ni.

tengok la muka siyes saya ni. O.O


comel sangat-sangat.


awak dah ke?

saya SUKA yang KECIK tu  ^_<

Friday, April 8, 2011

doesn't wanna quit

I don't wanna quit.


DON'T want to QUIT.

KEEP playing.

cause I love GAME.





Let's continue.

Sebab aku TAK PUAS lagi.


Lalala. .

ini bukan iklan FOLLOW ME yang kat TV tu ye.

ni adalah rayuan (erk!)

Betol ni.Tak tipu.


RAYUAN supaya kamu, KAMU, kamu, kAmU, dan KAMU dan kAMu juga dan KAMu,

yang dah BACA belog saya. . 

sila lah FOLLOW ME.

tau tau tau



alah.FOLLOW je.

bukan susah pon.KAN?

FREE je.

JOM jom.

lets GO!

ke mana?



Nak try aku?




kau TANGGUNG sendiri.



is at YOUR own RISK.


try ME.

SWEETEST moment that I'm waiting for

hey PEEPS!

I am waiting.

For the sweetest moment in my life.

It's gonna be a few weeks from now.

SO, I must be ready.


SO tak sabar


SO eager ! !

While waiting for that day, I've made something special.


a SURPRISE from me.

what is it?


shh.its a SECRET.

setelah puas AKU kau jilat


aku rasa lawak GILA dengan DRAMA dan SANDIWARA yang aku sedang alami sekarang.


kau nak cakap aku ni apa?


go to HELL la.

aku tak mention kat sesiapa ye.

kau tu apa?

MAHAL sangat la?



pasal title of the entry?

LU PIKIR la sendiri.

BABAI baby.

lima jari saya

 UNTUK anda.

HOT storyyyyy!!! aku bukan perampas

this entry is SPECIAL for a girl that is older than me, so CAN I call you kakak?
Okay, kakak.
Firstly, I'm sorry for the entry that mentioning about MY LOVE to ALL my BELOVED friends.
payah la speaking.
BM la senang sikit kan?
Jangan salah sangka yang saya mahu merampas kekasih hati pengarang jantung anda.
Kerana saya sendiri sudah ada kekasih hati pengarang jantung, limpa, paru-paru, nadi saya.
Sila jaga BOYFRIEND anda elok-elok.
Any display is at your own risk.
Saya tahu.
Kalian saling mencintai.
Dan anggaplah ini sebagai penguat cinta antara kamu berdua.
Sehingga bertemu lagi.
BABAi. Belajar elok-elok.

affection? attraction? or what?

Talking bout LOVE

About what?



or in BAHASA, its CINTA.


and these are some analogy from my brother

about CINTA.

ngee~ sO CUTE!



(sebelum kahwin)
C = cubit paha kiri, kanan rasa
I = impian indah ibarat syurga
N = nikah impian utama
T = taat setia membawa bahagia
A = awal dan akhir bersama-sama

(baru kenal cinta)
C = cuka yang dibuang pada luka
I = iblis yang merosak minda
N = nafsu semata-mata
T = tuba yang dibalas semata
A = api dalam neraka

DAN kadang-kadang,



And THIS is suck.


i want to

I want to

activate the FACEBOOK account.

can I?


wait till I got RED.

till then, I'll break all the rules.


try ME.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


don't ever touch the electrical appliances with wet hand or else you'll get electrical shocked.

don't ever play with FIRE or else it will BURN YOU.

don't ever mess up with me or else I'll mess up with you.


wanna PLAY?

C'MON here and I'll SHOW you HOW TO PLAY.

buat my sayang

tadi kan
saya jalan2 kat youtube
masa tu kan, dalam fikiran ni hanya awak je.
betul ni.
tak tipu.
lepas tu kan,
saya jumpa video ni.
awak tengok la ye!
tengok tau!

sumpah awak!
saya rindu awak.
rindu sangat.
bak kata awak, ''INFINITY''.
mesti awak geli kan
sebab saya cakap 'saya-awak' macam ni
hehe.saya memang
memang suka buat awak annoying kan?
hehe.saya tau.
tapi saya sayang awak tau.
awak kawan terBAIK saya.
tapi awak,
kenapa awak macam dah lain?
awak macam
nak jauhkan diri dari saya.
status awak kat fesbuk tu
buat saya susah hati sangat
awak nak tahu?
malam tadi saya gaduh dengan BF saya.
saya tau dia tak suka awak.
sebab kita terlalu rapat.
awak pun tau kan?
tapi entah macam mana kan,
malam tadi saya cerita kat dia
yang saya sayang awak sangat-sangat
saya rindu awak.
dia jealous.haha
kelakar pun ada.
manja betul dia kan?
tapi takpe.
saya seorang yang ADIL tau.
jangan lah diam macam ni tau.
saya rindu awak.
sumpah, tak tipu.
tapi saya takut,awak.
saya TAKUT. . .
takut sangat kehilangan awak.
saya tahu awak sakit.
awak jaga diri ye.
JANJI dengan saya tau !
saya sayang awak.
macam saya sayang nyawa saya.
hee.jangan risau.
saya BUKAN lesbian tau.
saya cuma SAYANG awak

SUMPAH! saya sayang awak~

this is what?

I've always been the kind of girl

That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say

But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way
[ Lyrics from: ]
This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

[Joe Jonas]
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singin'
I need to find you
I gotta find you

You're the missin' piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you


This is me... This is me..

[Joe Jonas]
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me

You're the voice I hear
Inside my head
The reason that I'm singin'

There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

i've deactivated mine.
have you?
thinking of activating it back.
what's on your mind?

big girls don't cry

big girls don't cry.
hell yeah!
but what will happen if THIS BIG GIRL wanna cry?
ouh my.
she cried already.
missing a piece of her life.
missing a piece of her soul.
missing a piece of the memory.
missing a piece of her love.
missing a piece of her heart.
missing drops of her tears.
missing HER.
hell yeah, missing HER.

she don't want to cry
but she have to
how weak she is.

she's missing her. T.T

a person named ME.

this post is dedicated for ME. her name is ME. hell yeah, ME.
she is a naive girl. or in Eastern Coast, we call it JURUH.
she is just a typical girl.
that is easy to fall in love.
and also easy to be loved.
despite of being naive, she still know what is best for her.
but she still got ONE problem.
only ONE.
and it is very hard to make the decision.
she have a SOULpartner.
and she LOVE her soul partner very much.
but recently something has happened.
that pounds her heart.
beats her limbs.
shrink her brain.
dried her saliva and adrenalin.
she started to feel abandoned by someone important in her life.
and she's now afraid of loosing her.
she started to think that someone is angry with her.
without knowing her fault.
she started to keep so many things as secret.
as she doesn't want to hurt too many heart.
let she keep it all alone.
let she walk all alone.
let she cried it all alone.
let she wrote it all alone.
let she rest in peace all alone.


Hye peeps!
Long time no see, right?

Hhmmm.. since the semester break has started ,I have started to miss Shah Alam and my beloved friends and love. Ouh my..
Miss them damn much like crazy. Haha~

  Especially my ex-roommate this semester (not too sure!haha) and hell yeah, my dearest ex-roommate during the early semester( I mean, during the first semester) and also, my crazy friends from the Faculty of Law, UiTM Shah Alam that took the same course as I am. And also my dearest and loveliest friends from the NGO’s , which is the PEPIAS that stands for ‘Persatuan Pelajar Islam Selangor’.

Now, I’m going to list out their names and their character that will always STATIONARY(haha) and PERMANENTLY be in my mind. And hell yeah, I MISS THEM LIKE CRAZY!

They’re my lovely ex-roommates that I am going to miss (have miss them already!)

Miss BELLA ZAHIRI a.k.a Baby D
She is awesome, cool, cute and a nice girl. Hey, I love your hair!
at KFC ^_^

She is super intelligent and I adore her courage and determination. Love ya and all your advices~
Cute right?hee ^_^

She is super cute and sexy. Aha! That’s true. Lalala~ And also have a lil tiny and sexy voice. Haha. Thanks dear for being nice to me ^_^
ngee~ ^_^


Wan Nadzirah a.k.a My SAYANG
My sleeping, eating, laughing, crying, study and etc. partner  and HELL YEAH, we are VERY close until my boyfriend became jealous with her!This girl taught me to be strong and make me believe that there's always chances in life.Although you didn't realize it, but my heart says that.You are my true friend and I don't want to loose you.Syg,I LOVE you!
missing you. . .

MIEYLA MIKILAKA a.k.a Mila Bila Cinta(hehe)
This girl is well known as ''The Girl with Excessive Sugar'' or in malay, ''Budak Terlebih Gula'' by Hazwan, Lah, Nad and I.The only main reason is that, she is talkative, active,cute girl.If we hangout without her, it would be dull and not be as chaos as if her around. You are great babehh and i MISS youuu and LOVEEE youu!!!
Milaaa ^_^

PIERRE KOSARSKI(Muhd Ridzuan) a.k.a Abg Pierre
My heart pounds SOOOOO fucking FAST when I saw him.Why?lalala.That's my secret!Please think positive, okay.1st met him at my FIRST usrah with PEPIAS after a few activities i've joined.This guy is amazing.And once you see him LIVE, you'll scream and says'' Ouh my! Is that Pierre Andre??''haha. He's great and he can understand many people and HELL YEAH, he can be a good motivator for those are having problems or conflict in their personal life.Won't forget our memories that we've been through together.LOVE you ^_^
whoopsii. .!!steal from Fb.hee.jgn mara aw~

ASOY ZAIN a.k.a Asoy (Our Commedian)
This guy is CRAZY and we LOVE him damn much!He can make anybody smile and laugh when they're sad or not in their mood even with a word that comes out from his mouth.He is really funny and I hope he'll marry Wan Nadzirah soon! haha.hey, it's my Do'a okayy~
remember this moment?haha~
Hah.''Budak A Level nih''.This guy is AWESOME.He is a professional photographer and his artwork is always the best! He is also a cat LOVER and guess what? He have almost 11 cats at home and they're all CUTE!! As cute as YOU, Saiful!! LOVE you as well as YOUR cats!!
hee. . .

1st met this guy with Wan Nadzirah when we are going to our 1st Usrah at Amir Aizuddin's house, section 18, Shah Alam and he fetch us at Mawar College, UiTM Shah Alam.After that, we  (i mean me, Nad and Mila) become close and always hanging out together( not frequent la). He is a SUPER TALENTED to be a CARPET MERCHANT.haha.His favourite qoutationis ''adikk mannees, maw beli karpet?''hee~
sayangg sama abg mannisss~haha
HALLO adik mannisss~

Dear my BELOVED friends GUYS and GIRLS, I SWEAR that I love all of you.Always keep in touch and always keep all our memories together.I'll NEVER forget what we've been through together although in a short term of time.Till we meet again if I come to Shah Alam!
Miss all of YOU DAMN MUCH! Sumpah tak tipu! LOVE all of YOU!!

''أحب كل واحد منكم في سبيل الله''

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

rindu shaya pada diaaaa~ ^_^

hye peeps!
see the title of my post today??
if you still have your precious eye, then you'll see and can read it clearly.
okay, without further argue..
haha. (macam nak buat speech la pulak)
okay, i will proceed with my post today.

actually this post is dedicated to my loved ones.
nak tahu tak siapa?
hm..he is cute, he is charming, and he is REALLY friendly and I LOVE him.
lalala.hey! who cares?
okay now, i'll upload some picture of me and him.
jangan jealouss dengan i tau!
nanti i sunat kan you untok kali ke lima ratus belas.

OOPPS!! silap.hehe sorry sorryyyy!!

OKOK.lets get terus terang nih.
pelakon ni actually. . . err
actually bukan pelakon ni lah.
haih.ape lah kau ni.
ni lah dia.orang nya
bawah ni.
jom tengok!
jom jom~

Muhammad Luqman Bin Muhd Salleh

dah start buat muka.haha
haha..lihat lah kegilaan kami berdua.
Man, kak Jijah saaayanggg Man tau!

kak jijahh! bagi man kamera pulakk!

yang bawah ni man yang amik.
haha.abis muka aku jadi senget.
di suruh nye aku posing.haha
pandai Man ekk..

apa ni! tak ready lagi lahh!

kak jijaaahhhhhhh... (versi USINNN~ dalam hantu kak limah)

burok nyaa!

amboiMan amik gambar kak jijah ke, gambar jari?hehe

lalala.thank you, Man!haha.kak jijah nampak comel (err. .comel la sangat)


Man yang happy di atas gelungsur nyaaa~

i LOVE you sayang~

alololooo.nak goda kak Jijah ekk?

ngee..intai ada ape dalam idung?

ini adalah STUNT paling berbahaya di abad ini.haha (tapi tak jadi)

arghh! geliii la kak jijahhh~

aiyoookk!sape bunuh kak limah???

man lagi hemsem la~haha

ini muka nak mintak kiss.haha, lepas ni kak jijah nak belikan kamera la untuk man.kuat benor posing
and last but not least, 
budak hemsem sayaaa..
i LOVE this one.
sampai INFINITY.

i LOVE you sayang.hee