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Thursday, September 30, 2010

final exam foundation of law UiTm Shah Alam 2010 exam nie mmg terbaekk wokk.....hmmm...this exam consist of 5 important subjects (6 actually.....but we had already sat for that paper before Raya that is BEL313 or a.k.a CRITICAL THINKING-totall critical!! haha...)
and those subjects are:

MTC038 or as known as LEGAL RESEARCH........but many of us just called this sbject as  "LIBRARY".. taught by a 'preggy' ...hihi..called Maam giving birth to a baby-dont really sure wether it's a he or she.. :3

MTC012 or as known as INTRODUCTION TO LAW 1.hmmmmm.. love this subject and it's lecturer lecturer evaa..Maam NOritta. :3

CSC134 or as known as FUNDAMENTAL COMPUTERS..hmmmm this subject sounds easy but....for those hate this subject, its gonna be 'pretty' tough...ouh!! no..VERY TOUGH!! haha....okay...this subject was  taught by Miss cute she is..!! :3 ngee~

BEL260 or as known as INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH.....taught by 2 different lecturers bcoz of 2 different "sub" topic that were..:
WRITING was taught by Maam Zorah....the lovely lecturer that all of us felt like our mom! how great she is..!!
READING,LISTENING was taught by Maam Bhajan Kaur.....hmm....she's pretty cool but I dont really understand why everytime when comes her class, the entire class gone SO SLEEPY....haha...

MTC016 or as known as GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS..and I love this subject....really cool..and also taught by Maam first glance at this subject, my heart says "how I gonna survive if I failed this subject??' but when the final exam comes, I decided to study smart, study hard.....and I did it very well......I answered all the questions without any doubt..!! thanks everyone..

hmm.....anything left?

okay2....I've missed one subject.this subject really makes all of us gone CRAZIER that EVER...haha...taught by a "CRAZY" professor called Mr CHOY! or PROFESSOR MADYA CHOY TUCK ONN....hmm...what do you think? he's the GREATEST lecturer we ever had...and WE love you MR CHoY!!...then he would say, "why did u love me?if u love me, i'm not gonna marry all 30 of u.!!" hahaha...

semester 1 DISMISSED, semester break begins....a NEW life begins..GOOD LUCK for me, GOOD LUCK for you too. bye ! :3


adidahzubir said...

salam. hye miss =)
i found your blog when i search about foundation in law.
how's your final exam?
okay x? wondering lah,your question in shah alam same like us in kuantan or not. hehehe.
your blog sangat hot!

Anonymous said...

ouhh..srry cz i'm late rplying ur comment...actually our sbjcts almost all the same..but xspnuhnya kan.....i pn do hav fwen at kuantan cmpus..hmm....soalannya i x tau laa sme or not..hihi..cuz didn't rsenya..hmm...xtau la..haha~ tgh pening nie sbnanye..dok pkk nak balik cuti~ huhu anyway, thnz 4 da cmmnt! :)

Shahir Naim said...

HEY JUNIOR!!! haha.. i was an asasi undang2 student before.. tu 4 tahun lepas punye cerita lah.. skarang dah nak grad dah~ haha
anyway.. whats the name of the english lecturer? mr choy kan? what is his full name eh? ingt nak invite him for our public lecture tapi tak ingt full name.. huhu
reply tau~ ill be waiting.. :P

Anonymous said...

hey hey heyy. haha. sorry cause late replying ur comment. busy la skrg. mklumla da hbus foundation kan. so, ape lagi..kerja la. haha ^_^
yepp. nama dia mr Choy. nama penuh?? Prof Madya Choy Tuck Onn :)